
HeartShare Participant Newsletter


Welcome to the HeartShare study! Whether you are considering participation in the HeartShare Study or are already a participant, our hope is that the HeartShare Newsletter will provide you with valuable information about the heart failure medical condition and the HeartShare Study. The HeartShare Data Translation Center at Northwestern University oversees the administration and coordination of all aspects of the HeartShare Study. On behalf of our team here at Northwestern and all the HeartShare investigators across the United States, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of our future and current study participants for their selfless contributions to the HeartShare Study. Advances in medical care for all medical conditions, including heart failure, are due to individuals like yourselves who generously give their time and energy to helping scientists like us discover new treatments to promote health and reduce suffering.

— Sanjiv Shah, MD,
Principal Investigator
HeartShare Data Translation Center
Northwestern University

Take a look at the full Newsletter here: HeartShare Newsletter Autumn 2023